**Oringially posted and shot in 2016**
My children are no strangers to the camera. I know it’s typical for photographers to document on a much larger scale than other parents, and I am no exception. Bribery definitely plays a part in motivating the troops along too, so don’t let the overwhelming perception of cooperation fool you. I assure each of my clients when their children get a little crazy that it’s totally normal. 98% of the blog is dedicated to recent works so that you can see what I’ve been shooting and to stay up to date. While my Instagram is more of a mixed bag, I try and balance the professional and personal shots as much as I can.
There seems to be a split within the photography world when it comes to sharing personal work on a professional platform. I tend to not dwell on this too much, simply because I’ve always gravitated towards Instagram accounts and blogs that feature both sides of the coin. The idea of maintaining two separate accounts and blogs makes my head spin all while being in awe of people that actually make that happen. What I choose to share from our children’s lives, is however, chosen with great attention to their privacy and relevance.
So why do I share some of my personal portraits of our family alongside my portrait work?
The common denominator when the kids are featured on the blog is momentous occasions. Their birth stories, my different pregnancy journeys, and an occasional seasonal portrait share. I want to invite my clients, potential clients, and readers along to read about our growing family and to see that there is a vibrant life behind my camera. Photographing a baby’s first breath and their milestone years hereafter is my job, but it’s also what I’m living day to day. I love feeling an extra special bond with clients when we share our parenting triumphs and struggles with each other in between shots and outfits changes. I’m raising a 1 year old and 3 year old…I’m right there with you friend!
The biggest reason I prefer to personally share is because as a reader, you get a clearer picture of who I am. When you read about my daughter’s birth story or see how much fun my husband and I have putting together pregnancy announcements, you’re getting a pretty big glimpse into my personality and style. These connections with moms, readers, and clients is what drives my passion for my work all while maintaining lasting relationships with families who have hired me to photograph their young children. If my most recent personal blog or Instagram post can strike up a conversation mid-shoot, then I know that photographer-client connection has been made.
Let’s be real, I work alone. By myself. A 1 woman business. While shooting portraits of babies and families is part of the job, the time sucker is the editing and emailing. Like all jobs, editing alone on a computer has it’s pros and cons. I’m an introvert, so the pros outweigh the cons for me. BUT, I don’t have much interaction while I’m actually working at home, so the desire to share personal work is a positive step for me. There’s community in sharing your struggles, your victories, and even your impromptu shoot with your kids on a Tuesday.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sharing photographs of my children/family to gain more likes or more clients. I have the tremendous honor and responsibility of raising two small children all while maintaining a small business. These things I do not take lightly. If nothing else, I’m sharing with you my biggest accomplishments as I photograph your biggest accomplishments.