Greetings from the world of quarantine. This is a very strange time and I’m not going to wax poetic about it, but let me just say that as a small business owner…these are scary times. There’s so much out of my control and that’s hard to reconcile, but on the other hand I truly have all the time in the world to get all of my odds and ends in order. The annoying artist in me is groaning at the busy work!

I don’t consider this blog to be a part of the “odds and ends” category, but it tends to fall to the wayside when work is busy. So without further adieu, I want to highlight this precious Fresh 48 session from late last year because it deserves so attention. Baby Veer was an absolute dream when I arrived at St. Vincent’s. Only hours away from being discharged to go home, we were able to make some magic in those final moments in the hospital. Veer was born a week before Christmas so he got an extra special visit from Santa in the middle of our shoot! What a lucky boy!

It’s hard for me to think about the time I spent shooting in local hospitals with such ease. The reality, at least for right now, is that I’m not getting into those hospital rooms. It’s totally understandable and what’s best for everyone, but it stings for me and my precious clients. If you’re expecting a baby in the time of COVID-19, I encourage you to take as many photos of your family and baby as you can while you’re admitted. It’s such a tiring time and I know you’ll want to rest, but it doesn’t have to be too involved or over the top. My number 1 piece of advice: turn off all the lights and find your window light. You’ll cherish these photos no matter what. Giving birth during a pandemic is incredibly stressful, so give yourself some grace.

I’m thrilled to share Veer’s Fresh 48 session and hope that it’ll bring you so joy as much as it does me. Let’s take a reading break and marvel and this beautiful family of 3!